Congratulations Joëlle!

Joëlle Kubeneck has successfully defended her doctoral thesis in the Soil Chemistry group.
Release of the Geochemical Soil Atlas of Switzerland

To mark World Soil Day 2023, Agroscope has published the Geochemical Soil Atlas of Switzerland. The atlas presents a survey of the geogenic distribution of 20 toxic and/or essential elements in Swiss soils, and several other soil parameters, using soil samples from across the country and interpolation to produce the cartographic visualisations. Jolanda Reusser, based at Agroscope and the IBP is lead author, and Ruben Kretzschmar is a contributing co-author.
New publication reveals how 'Contact with soil impacts ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite transformations during redox cycling in a paddy soil'

The new publication in Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, follows the transformation of ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite in periodically flooded rice paddy soils. The work comes out of the ERC IRMIDYN project, and was led by Katrin Schulz, with Luiza Notini, Andrew Grigg, Joëlle Kubeneck, Worachart Wisawapipat (Kasetsart Univeristy), Laurel ThomasArrigo (now at the University of Neuchatel) and Ruben Kretzschmar.
Andrew Grigg's doctoral defence

Andrew has successfully defended his doctoral thesis.
Soil Chemistry Hiking Excursion

The annual Soil Chemistry Group hiking trip was held in the Aletsch Arena in 2023, with two days of hiking and great views of the Aletsch Glacier.
Soil Science at Scientifica

Soil Chemistry was represented at Switzerland’s largest Science Festival, Scientifica, with fun for young and old.
Katrin Schulz defends her doctoral thesis

Congratulations to Katrin Schulz for a successful defense of her doctoral thesis!
Maureen Le Bars Receives ETH Career Seed Award

Congratulations to Maureen Le Bars who has received an ETH Career Seed Award.
A New Approach for Investigating Iron Mineral Transformations in Soils and Sediments

A key aspect of the ERC 'IRMIDYN' project is the development of techniques to study Fe mineral transformations in soils and sediments using isotopically labeled Fe minerals and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The approach is explained in a new publication in Environmental Science & Technology, titled 'A New Approach for Investigating Iron Mineral Transformations in Soils and Sediments Using 57Fe-Labeled Minerals and 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy'.
Coprecipitation with Ferrihydrite Inhibits Mineralization of Glucuronic Acid in an Anoxic Soil

A new publication in the journal Environmental Science & Technology demonstrates the importance of mineral protection for the understanding of soil organic carbon mobilisation and degredation under reducing conditions.