Katrin Schulz defends her doctoral thesis
Congratulations to Katrin Schulz for a successful defense of her doctoral thesis!

Katrin presented her doctoral thesis titled "Mineral Transformations of Ferrihydrite and Lepidocrocite in Suspension and in Paddy Soil: A Closer Look at the Effects of Silicate, Phosphate, and the Soil Matrix" to an appreciative audience of colleagues and family yesterday. Katrin received a very positive response from the committee, and enjoyed a cheerful celebration afterward. Having completed her doctoral work, Katrin will be leaving the Soil Chemistry group, and we wish her all the best. Of course we will stay and touch, and we are looking forward to hearing about her future adventures!
Katrin is photographed here with the members of her doctoral committee (left to right: Prof. Andreas Kappler, Prof. Laurel ThomasArrigo, Prof. Ruben Kretzschmar and Prof. Angelia Seyfferth).