Short movie about the Ogosta project
Short movie about the Swiss-bulgarian joined project in the Ogosta River floodplain
Study revealing the complexes Uranium forms with particulate organic matter in a natural Uranium-enriched peatland

Publication was published by Christian Mikutta,Peggy Langner, John R. Bargar and Ruben Kretzschmar in Environmental Science and Technology.
Investigation of the soil-to-plant transfer of arsenic and phosphorus along a contamination gradient in the mining-impacted Ogosta River floodplain

Publication of Michael Simmler, Elke Suess, Iso Christl, Tsvetan Kotsev and Ruben Kretzschmar in Science of the Total Environment.
New publication investigating the effect of manganese oxide on arsenic reduction and leaching from contaminated floodplain soil

By Katrin Ehlert, Christian Mikutta, and Ruben Kretzschmar, published in Environmental Science and Technology.
A new article was published about the formation of methyl mercury in hillslope soils of Boreal Forest.

Article by Rose-Marie Kronberg, Martin Jiskra, Jan G. Wiederhold, Erik Björn, and Ulf Skyllberg in Environmental Science and Technology.
New study about the binding of clarithromycin and tetracycline to soil humic acid

Publication by Iso Christl, Mercedes Ruiz, J.R. Schmidt, and Joel A. Pedersen in Environmental Science and Technology.
Congratulations Katrin!

Katrin Ehlert defended her PhD thesis today
First edition of the book "Iron oxides: from Nature to Applications"

Release of the first edition of "Iron oxides: from Nature to Applications" book with as one of the coauthors Dr. Marjorie Etique.
Newest publication follows As release and speciation from Fe-rich organic flocs

By Laurel K. ThomasArrigo, Christian Mikutta, Regina Lohmayer, Britta Planer-Friedrich, and Ruben Kretzschmar, published in Environmental Science and Technology.