Study revealing the complexes Uranium forms with particulate organic matter in a natural Uranium-enriched peatland
Publication was published by Christian Mikutta,Peggy Langner, John R. Bargar and Ruben Kretzschmar in Environmental Science and Technology.

Peatlands frequently serve as efficient biogeochemical traps for U. Mechanisms of U immobilization in these organic matter-dominated environments may encompass the precipitation of U-bearing mineral(oid)s and the complexation of U by a vast range of (in)organic surfaces. The objective of this work was to investigate the spatial distribution and molecular binding mechanisms of U in soils of an alpine minerotrophic peatland (pH 4.7−6.6, Eh = −127 to 463 mV) using microfocused X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and bulk and microfocused U L3-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The soils contained 2.3−47.4 wt % organic C, 4.1−58.6 g/kg Fe, and up to 335 mg/kg geogenic U. Uranium was found to be heterogeneously distributed at the micrometer scale and enriched as both U(IV)
and U(VI) on fibrous and woody plant debris (48 ± 10% U(IV), x̅± σ, n = 22). Bulk U X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy revealed that in all samples U(IV) comprised 35−68% of total U (x̅ = 50%, n = 15). Shell-fit analyses of bulk U L3-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra showed that U was coordinated to 1.3 ± 0.2 C atoms at a distance of 2.91 ± 0.01 Å (x̅± σ), which implies the formation of bidentate-mononuclear U(IV/VI) complexes with carboxyl groups. We neither found evidence for U shells at ∼3.9 Å, indicative of mineral-associated U or multinuclear U(IV) species, nor for a substantial P/Fe coordination of U. Our data indicates that U(IV/VI) complexation by natural organic matter prevents the precipitation of U minerals as well as U complexation by Fe/Mn phases at our field site, and suggests that organically complexed U(IV) is formed via reduction of organic matter-boundU(VI).
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