Highly mobile, (a)biotic iron-rich precipitates transport iron and carbon out of Icelandic wetlands

A new publication from Laurel ThomasArrigo’s work in Iceland characterizes Fe-rich flocs from Icelandic wetlands, combining multiple analytical and spectroscopic techniques and involving collaborators in ETH Soil Chemistry (Luiza Notini, Tabea Nydegger, Sophie Vontobel, Ruben Kretzschmar) and at the University of Tübingen (Jeremiah Shuster, Stefan Fischer, Andreas Kappler).
Soil Chemistry group hiking day

In 2021, the traditional soil chemistry hiking day took place on a bright autumn day by the shores of Lake Lucerne. It was a great opportunity to catch up outside of the office and the lab.
A coupled function of biochar as geobattery and geoconductor leads to stimulation of microbial Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis in a paddy soil enrichment culture

A new publication in the journal Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry explores how a coupled function of biochar as geobattery and geoconductor leads to stimulation of microbial Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis in a paddy soil enrichment culture. The work is a collaboration between authors at numerous institutions, including Ruben Kretzschmar (ETH Soil Chemistry), and Andreas Kappler (Univeristy of Tübingen, and current guest of ETH Soil Chemistry).
Welcome Andreas

Prof. Andreas Kappler (University of Tübingen, Germany) is joining the Soil Chemistry Group for seven months during his sabbatical.
Field experiments continue in Thailand

Ongoing field experiments in Thai rice paddy soils will reveal iron mineral transformation reactions that occur in soils during the rice growing season.
New publication analyses two-year and multi-site field trials to evaluate soil amendments for controlling cadmium accumulation in rice grain

Xu Fang, Iso Christl and Ruben Kretzschmar, with collaborators at the Nanjing Agricultural Univeristy in China have published a new paper that investigates soil amendments to control cadmium accumulation in rice. The article has been published in Environmental Pollution.
Field work in the Wadden Sea

Members of the ERC IRMIDYN project team are returning to the Wadden Sea tidal flats and salt marshes for a new season of field work.
Welcome Aaron

Prof. Aaron Thompson (University of Georgia, USA) is joining the Soil Chemistry Group for six months during his sabbatical.
Return to Iceland

Laurel has returned to Iceland to continue her work on iron and carbon dynamics in Icelandic wetlands
Summer BBQ

The soil chemistry group recently got together to catch up and spend time together in the sun.