Highly mobile, (a)biotic iron-rich precipitates transport iron and carbon out of Icelandic wetlands
A new publication from Laurel ThomasArrigo’s work in Iceland characterizes Fe-rich flocs from Icelandic wetlands, combining multiple analytical and spectroscopic techniques and involving collaborators in ETH Soil Chemistry (Luiza Notini, Tabea Nydegger, Sophie Vontobel, Ruben Kretzschmar) and at the University of Tübingen (Jeremiah Shuster, Stefan Fischer, Andreas Kappler).

In freshwater wetlands, redox interfaces characterized by circumneutral pH, steep gradients in O2, and a continual supply of Fe(II) form ecological niches favorable to microaerophilic iron(II) oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) and the formation of flocs; associations of (a)biotic mineral phases, microorganisms, and (microbially-derived) organic matter. On the volcanic island of Iceland, wetlands are replenished with Fe-rich surface-, ground- and springwater. Combined with extensive drainage of lowland wetlands, which forms artificial redox gradients, accumulations of bright orange (a)biotically-derived Fe-rich flocs are common features of Icelandic wetlands. These loosely consolidated flocs are easily mobilized, and, considering the proximity of Iceland's lowland wetlands to the coast, are likely to contribute to the suspended sediment load transported to coastal waters. To date, however, little is known regarding (Fe) mineral and elemental composition of the flocs. In this study, flocs from wetlands (n = 16) across Iceland were analyzed using X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques (X-ray absorption and 57Fe Mössbauer) combined with chemical extractions and (electron) microscopy to comprehensively characterize floc mineral, elemental, and structural composition. All flocs were rich in Fe (229–414 mg/g), and floc Fe minerals comprised primarily ferrihydrite and nano-crystalline lepidocrocite, with a single floc sample containing nano-crystalline goethite. Floc mineralogy also included Fe in clay minerals and appreciable poorly-crystalline aluminosilicates, most likely allophane and/or imogolite. Microscopy images revealed that floc (bio)organics largely comprised mineral encrusted microbially-derived components (i.e. sheaths, stalks, and EPS) indicative of common FeOB Leptothrix spp. and Gallionella spp. Trace element contents in the flocs were in the low μg/g range, however nearly all trace elements were extracted with hydroxylamine hydrochloride. This finding suggests that the (a)biotic reductive dissolution of floc Fe minerals, plausibly driven by exposure to the varied geochemical conditions of coastal waters following floc mobilization, could lead to the release of associated trace elements. Thus, the flocs should be considered vectors for transport of Fe, organic carbon, and trace elements from Icelandic wetlands to coastal waters.