Copper mobilisation from Cu sulphide minerals by methanobactin: Effect of pH, oxygen and natural organic matter
A new publication, co-authored by Danielle Rushworth (former guest of the ETH Soil Chemistry group), Iso Christl (ETH Soil Chemistry), Kevin Hoffmann (ETH Soil Chemistry alumnus), Ruben Kretzschmar (ETH Soil Chemistry) and colleagues from the Univeristy of Vienna, Univeristy of Wageningen and University of Basel, has recently been released online. The work, published in the journal Geomicrobiology, explores the mobilisation of Cu from Cu sulfide by methanobactin.
New study explores microbial Fe cycling in a simulated Precambrian ocean environment and implications for secondary mineral (trans)formation and deposition during BIF genesis
Laurel ThomasArrigo and Ruben Kretzschmar are co-authors of a new study that simulates the iron mineral cycling that might have occured in ancient oceans. The article has been published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and is available online now.