Magnesium binding by terrestrial humic acids
An article by Iso Christl about the pronounced ionic strength-dependence of magnesium binding to humic acids was published in Environmental Chemistry.
New study shows how spectroscopic and isotopic techniques can be combined to better understand the dynamics of phosphorus cycling in soils
Paper published by Julian Helfenstein, Federica Tamburini, Christian von Sperber, Michael S. Massey, Chiara Pistocchi, Oliver A. Chadwick, Peter M. Vitousek, Ruben Kretzschmar, and Emmanuel Frossard in Nature Communications.
New study shows how spectroscopic and isotopic techniques can be combined to better understand the dynamics of phosphorus cycling in soils

Paper published by Julian Helfenstein, Federica Tamburini, Christian von Sperber, Michael S. Massey, Chiara Pistocchi, Oliver A. Chadwick, Peter M. Vitousek, Ruben Kretzschmar, and Emmanuel Frossard in Nature Communications.
Study showing that most soil Hg is present as Hg(II) bound to soil organic matter, and that reducing conditions may lead to enhanced mobilization of Hg

Paper by Robin Sue Gilli, Claudine Karlen, Mischa Weber, Johanna Rüegg, Kurt Barmettler, Harald Biester, Pascal Boivin and Ruben Kretzschmar published in Soil Systems