
Enlarged view: Kubeneck_dissertation_cover

L. Joëlle Kubeneck (2024) "Vivianite formation and transformation processes in intertidal sediments and the influence of isomorphic substitution"

Enlarged view: Cover of Andrew Grigg's thesis

Andrew R. C. Grigg (2023) "Transformation of jarosite and iron oxyhydroxides in acid sulfate paddy soils"

Enlarged view: Katrin's Dissertation Cover

Katrin Schulz (2023) "Mineral transformations of ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite in suspension and in paddy soil: A closer look at the effects of silicate, phosphate, and the soil matrix"

Enlarged view: Xu's thesis cover

Xu Fang (2022) "Decreasing aresenic and cadmium in rice: From biogeochemical processes to improved paddy management"

Enlarged view: Kevin cover

Kevin Hoffmann (2021) "Copper and cadmium sulfide nanoparticles: Impact of solution composition on formation, properties, and mobility in soils"

Enlarged view: Natacha dissertation cover

Natacha Van Groeningen (2020) "Interactions of clay minerals with Fe and Mn in redox dynamic environments and effects on Cd retention"

Enlarged view: Michi_cover

Michael Simmler (2018) "Environmental impacts of mine waste contamination in a river floodplain: Arsenic plant uptake, effects on microbial communities, and reductive solubilization"

Enlarged view: dissertation Thomas Arrigo Laurel Kathleen

Laurel Kathleen Thomas Arrigo (2017) "Iron and Arsenic Cycling in Organic Freshwater Flocs"

Enlarged view: Dr. Katrin Ehlert

Katrin Ehlert (2016) "Impact of Iron and Manganese on arsenic Speciation and Bioaccesibility in Contaminated Floodplain Soil"

Enlarged view: Smith Diss

Robin Smith (2015):  "Mercury stable isotope fractionation in mining environments and it's implications for using Hg isotopes as source tracer"

Enlarged view: Jiskra Diss

Martin Jiskra (2014):  "Terrestrial mercury cycling investigated with stable mercury isotopes" 

Enlarged view: Hoffmann Diss

Martin Hoffmann (2014):  "Mechanisms of arsenite binding to natural organic matter"

Enlarged view: Hofmann diss

Peggy Hofmann (2013): "Arsenic speciation in a minerotrophic peatland: natural organic matter and mineral controls"

Enlarged view: Hofacker diss

Anke Hofacker (2013):  "Flooding-induced metallic and metal sulfide nanoparticle formation in soil: The role of temperature and bacteria"

Enlarged view: Fulda diss

Beate Fulda (2013):  "Changes in copper and cadmium solubility and speciation induced by soil redox dynamics - Competitive metal sulfide formation and interactions with natural organic matter"

Enlarged view: Maurer diss

Felix Maurer (2013):  "Redox and binding interactions of cations and humic acid"

Enlarged view: Brechbuehl diss

Yves Brechbühl (2012):  "Sorption of arsenic to hematite in the presence of carbonate and silicate"

Enlarged view: Guelland diss

Kathi Guelland (2012):  "Carbon dynamics along an initial soil chronosequence in the forefield of the Damma Glacier, Switzerland"

Enlarged view: Pesch diss

Marie-Laure Pesch (2012):  "Copper binding by methanobactin and its relevane for copper acquisition by methanotrophic bacteria from natural organic matter"

Enlarged view: Hindshaw diss

Ruth Hindshaw (2011):  "Chemical weathering and calcium isotope fractionation in a glaciated catchment"

Enlarged view: Kiczka-Cyriac diss

Mirjam Kiczka-Cyriac (2011):  "Iron isotope fractionation mechanisms of silicate weathering and iron cycling by plants"

Enlarged view: Dittmar diss

Jessica Dittmar (2010):  "Seasonal arsenic cycling in irrigated paddy soils in Bangladesh and arsenic uptake by rice"

Enlarged view: Frommer diss

Jakob Frommer (2009):  "The chromium X-ray absorption near edge structure"

Enlarged view: FAW diss

Frank-Andreas Weber (2009):  "Speciation and mobility of metal contaminants in floodplain soils: role of biogenic copper(0) and metal sulfide colloids"

Enlarged view: Dr. Amandine Courdouan

Amandine Courdouan Merz (2008) "Nature and reactivity of dissolved organic matter in clay formations evaluated for the storage of radioactive waste"

Enlarged view: Dr. Paul Borer

Paul Borer (2008) "Light-induced dissolution of iron(III) (hydr)oxides in the presence and absence of siderophores"

Enlarged view: Dr. Olivier Jacquat

Olivier Jacquat (2008) "Long-term fate of zinc in contaminated soild: zinc speciation by synchrotron spectroscopy and chemical extraction"

Enlarged view: Dr. Naraya Carrasco

Naraya Carrasco (2007) "Influence of surfactants on siderophore-promoted dissolution of iron oxides"

Enlarged view: Dr. Irene Xifra Olivé

Irene Xifra Olivé (2006) "Mobility of lead and antimony in shooting range soils"

Enlarged view: Dr. Jan Wiederhold

Jan G. Wiederhold (2006) "Iron isotope fractionation in soils - From phenomena to process identification"

Enlarged view: Dr. Petra Ulrike Reichard

Petra Ulrike Reichard (2005) "Effects of Microbial and Plant Siderophore Ligands on the Dissolution of Iron Oxides"

Enlarged view: Dr. Marc Schumacher

Marc Schumacher (2005) "Microheterogeneity of Soil Organic Matter investigated by C-1s NEXAFS Spectroscopy and X-ray Microscopy"

Enlarged view: Dr. Ilona Heidmann

Ilona Heidmann (2004) "Influence of fulvic acid on ion binding and colloidal stability of kaolinite particles"

Enlarged view: Dr. Andreas Voegelin

Andreas Voegelin (2001) "Competitive Sorption and Transport of Heavy Metal Cations in Soils"

Enlarged view: Dr. Iso Christl

Daniel Iso Christl (2000) "Influence of Humic Substances on the Sorption of Heavy Metal Cations on Mineral Surfaces"

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