
L. Joëlle Kubeneck (2024) "Vivianite formation and transformation processes in intertidal sediments and the influence of isomorphic substitution"

Andrew R. C. Grigg (2023) "Transformation of jarosite and iron oxyhydroxides in acid sulfate paddy soils"

Katrin Schulz (2023) "Mineral transformations of ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite in suspension and in paddy soil: A closer look at the effects of silicate, phosphate, and the soil matrix"

Xu Fang (2022) "Decreasing aresenic and cadmium in rice: From biogeochemical processes to improved paddy management"

Kevin Hoffmann (2021) "Copper and cadmium sulfide nanoparticles: Impact of solution composition on formation, properties, and mobility in soils"

Natacha Van Groeningen (2020) "Interactions of clay minerals with Fe and Mn in redox dynamic environments and effects on Cd retention"

Michael Simmler (2018) "Environmental impacts of mine waste contamination in a river floodplain: Arsenic plant uptake, effects on microbial communities, and reductive solubilization"

Laurel Kathleen Thomas Arrigo (2017) "Iron and Arsenic Cycling in Organic Freshwater Flocs"

Katrin Ehlert (2016) "Impact of Iron and Manganese on arsenic Speciation and Bioaccesibility in Contaminated Floodplain Soil"

Robin Smith (2015): "Mercury stable isotope fractionation in mining environments and it's implications for using Hg isotopes as source tracer"

Martin Jiskra (2014): "Terrestrial mercury cycling investigated with stable mercury isotopes"

Martin Hoffmann (2014): "Mechanisms of arsenite binding to natural organic matter"

Peggy Hofmann (2013): "Arsenic speciation in a minerotrophic peatland: natural organic matter and mineral controls"

Anke Hofacker (2013): "Flooding-induced metallic and metal sulfide nanoparticle formation in soil: The role of temperature and bacteria"

Beate Fulda (2013): "Changes in copper and cadmium solubility and speciation induced by soil redox dynamics - Competitive metal sulfide formation and interactions with natural organic matter"

Felix Maurer (2013): "Redox and binding interactions of cations and humic acid"

Yves Brechbühl (2012): "Sorption of arsenic to hematite in the presence of carbonate and silicate"

Kathi Guelland (2012): "Carbon dynamics along an initial soil chronosequence in the forefield of the Damma Glacier, Switzerland"

Marie-Laure Pesch (2012): "Copper binding by methanobactin and its relevane for copper acquisition by methanotrophic bacteria from natural organic matter"

Ruth Hindshaw (2011): "Chemical weathering and calcium isotope fractionation in a glaciated catchment"

Mirjam Kiczka-Cyriac (2011): "Iron isotope fractionation mechanisms of silicate weathering and iron cycling by plants"

Jessica Dittmar (2010): "Seasonal arsenic cycling in irrigated paddy soils in Bangladesh and arsenic uptake by rice"

Jakob Frommer (2009): "The chromium X-ray absorption near edge structure"

Frank-Andreas Weber (2009): "Speciation and mobility of metal contaminants in floodplain soils: role of biogenic copper(0) and metal sulfide colloids"

Amandine Courdouan Merz (2008) "Nature and reactivity of dissolved organic matter in clay formations evaluated for the storage of radioactive waste"

Paul Borer (2008) "Light-induced dissolution of iron(III) (hydr)oxides in the presence and absence of siderophores"

Olivier Jacquat (2008) "Long-term fate of zinc in contaminated soild: zinc speciation by synchrotron spectroscopy and chemical extraction"

Naraya Carrasco (2007) "Influence of surfactants on siderophore-promoted dissolution of iron oxides"

Irene Xifra Olivé (2006) "Mobility of lead and antimony in shooting range soils"

Jan G. Wiederhold (2006) "Iron isotope fractionation in soils - From phenomena to process identification"

Petra Ulrike Reichard (2005) "Effects of Microbial and Plant Siderophore Ligands on the Dissolution of Iron Oxides"

Marc Schumacher (2005) "Microheterogeneity of Soil Organic Matter investigated by C-1s NEXAFS Spectroscopy and X-ray Microscopy"

Ilona Heidmann (2004) "Influence of fulvic acid on ion binding and colloidal stability of kaolinite particles"

Andreas Voegelin (2001) "Competitive Sorption and Transport of Heavy Metal Cations in Soils"

Daniel Iso Christl (2000) "Influence of Humic Substances on the Sorption of Heavy Metal Cations on Mineral Surfaces"