Ferrihydrite transformations in flooded paddy soils: rates, pathways, and product spatial distributions

In soils, transformations between iron mineral phases are dependent on soil conditions. A new research article, published today in the journal Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, follows the transformation of ferrihydrite in flooded rice paddy soils. The article authored by Andrew Grigg, Laurel ThomasArrigo, Katrin Schulz, Katherine Rothwell, Ralf Kaegi (EAWAG) and Ruben Kretzschmar, is part of the ERC IRMIDYN project.

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Complex interactions between redox-driven element cycles in soils influence iron mineral transformation processes. The rates and pathways of iron mineral transformation processes have been studied intensely in model systems such as mixed suspensions, but transformation in complex heterogeneous porous media is not well understood. Here, mesh bags containing 0.5 g of ferrihydrite were incubated in five water-saturated paddy soils with contrasting microbial iron-reduction potential for up to twelve weeks. Using X-ray diffraction analysis, we show near-complete transformation of the ferrihydrite to lepidocrocite and goethite within six weeks in the soil with the highest iron(II) release, and slower transformation with higher ratios of goethite to lepidocrocite in soils with lower iron(II) release. In the least reduced soil, no mineral transformations were observed. In soils where ferrihydrite transformation occurred, the transformation rate was one to three orders of magnitude slower than transformation in comparable mixed-suspension studies. To interpret the spatial distribution of ferrihydrite and its transformation products, we developed a novel application of confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy in which we identified and mapped minerals on selected cross sections of mesh bag contents. After two weeks of flooded incubation, ferrihydrite was still abundant in the core of some mesh bags, and as a rim at the mineral–soil interface. The reacted outer core contained unevenly mixed ferrihydrite, goethite and lepidocrocite on the micrometre scale. The slower rate of transformation and uneven distribution of product minerals highlight the influence of biogeochemically complex matrices and diffusion processes on the transformation of minerals, and the importance of studying iron mineral transformation in environmental media.

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