Exploring Key Soil Parameters Relevant to Arsenic and Cadmium Accumulation in Rice Grain in Southern China

A new publication by Xu Fang, Anna Muntwyler, Pascal Schneider, Iso Christl and Ruben Kretzchmar from ETH Soil Chemistry, with collaborators from Nanjing Agricultural University, explores the key soil parameters that affect As and Cd accummulation in rice using statistical analysis of rice grain and soils collected at field sites in China.

Enlarged view: Fang et al - fieldwork

Paddy soils in some areas of southern China are contaminated by arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd), threatening human health via the consumption of As- and/or Cd-tainted rice. To date, a quantitative understanding of how soil characteristics control As and Cd accumulation in rice grains under field conditions is still deficient. Based on 31 paired soil-grain samples collected in southern China, we statistically explored which soil parameter or parameter combination from various soil analyses best estimates As and Cd in rice. We found that CaCl2 extraction of field-moist soil collected at rice harvest provided the best estimation (R2adj = 0.47–0.60) for grain Cd followed by dry soil CaCl2 extraction (R2adj = 0.38–0.49), where CaCl2 extractable Cd from moist or dry soil was the dominant soil parameter. Compared to soil totals, parameters from neither dry soil ascorbate-citrate extraction nor anoxic soil incubation improved model performance for grain As (R2adj ≤ 0.44), despite their closer relevance to soil redox conditions during plant As uptake. A key role of soil-available sulfur in controlling grain As was suggested by our models. Our approach and results may help develop potential soil amendment strategies for decreasing As and/or Cd accumulation from soils.

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