Welcome Sylvain

Dr. Sylvain Bouchet joins the Soil Chemistry Group

by Natacha Van Groeningen
Enlarged view: Sylvain and icpms

The Soil Chemistry Group welcomes a new Research Associate scientist in his group, Dr. Sylvain Bouchet. Sylvain received his PhD in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry form the University of Pau (2009) where he studied mercury speciation and transfer at the sediment-water -atmosphere interfaces of coastal ecosystems. After graduating he continued focussing on  biogeochemical cycles of trace elements with several post-docs in different research institutes over Europe. Being a specialist in speciation analysis of trace elements using hyphenated chromatography-ICPMS methods (HPLC-ICPMS, GC-ICPMS, etc.), we are happy to count Sylvain as a new member of soil chemistry.

Welcome Sylvain!

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