IRMIDYN - Iron mineral dynamics in soils and sediments: Moving the frontier toward in‐situ studies
ERC Advanced Grant (1.11.2018 - 31.10.2024)
About the IRMIDYN Project
The IRMIDYN project is about the dynamics of redox-driven iron mineral transformation processes in soils and sediments and impacts on nutrient and trace element behavior. We use novel approaches based on enriched stable isotopes in combination with innovative experiments and cutting-edge analytical techniques, most importantly 57Fe Mössbauer and Raman micro-spectroscopy and imaging.
The thermodynamic stability and occurrence of iron minerals in sufficiently stable Earth surface environments is fairly well understood and supported by field observations. However, the kinetics of iron mineral recrystallization and transformation processes under rapidly changing redox conditions is far less understood, and has to date mostly been studied in in mixed reactors with pure minerals or sediment slurries, but rarely in-situ in complex soils and sediments.
This project will take a large step toward a better understanding of iron mineral dynamics in redox-affected Earth surface environments, with wide implications in biogeochemistry and other fields including environmental engineering, corrosion sciences, archaeology and cultural heritage sciences, and planetary sciences.
News Feed
Short film selected for Spotlight on Academics Film Festival
Our short film about the ERC IRMIDYN project has been selected to be shown at the Spotlight on Academics Science Film Festival 2025.
Joëlle Kubeneck awarded the ETH Medal
Congratulations to Joëlle Kubeneck, who has been awarded the ETH Medal in recognition of her doctoral thesis work.
New publication examines the role of organic acids in controlling siderite oxidation
Low molecular weight organic acids stabilise siderite against oxidation and influence the composition of iron (oxyhydr)oxide oxidation products: This is the title and major finding of the new article has rescently been published in the journal Environmental Science Processes and Impacts.